Friday, September 6, 2013

What's up with the blog name?

Choosing a blog name is serious business. A majority of the ones I thought of were ridiculously cheesy... 7monthsto30, 7monthstodiscovery, blah blah.

Then it came to me: I WILL have a travel companion, in the form of a plush manatee. If you aren't in "Club Manatee," as I like to joke with my friends, then you are missing out.

You may have seen photos on my Facebook page and wondered if I just turned 5 years old. See the pure joy on my face? My Mana-Tieks (Tieks are fancy travel ballet flats) delivery!

If you ever have a chance to hug one of these special creatures, you would understand this obsession. It's the perfect squishy size to hold for maximum comfort, and also functions as a plane pillow, beach pillow and confidant

I will technically be alone in a foreign place, missing Darryl, my constant companion of the last 5 years. I imagine that having a comfort of home to hold onto is a necessity.

I will be like my manatee. Out of water and out of my element.


  1. I am familiar with that "anxious excitement" feeling, doing its' best to turn your insides into a shakey-legged newborn deer. But you are Erin of Awesome (+7 to Dexterity and Barf Attacks) and you have already done the heavy lifting of buying your ticket and committing to the trip.

    Now: Just Show Up. Be awesome. Then come back and share.

    Verrr Excite!

  2. Thanks sir!! That describes the feeling pretty accurately. I am sure it will subside fairly quickly once I get immersed in my new world. :)

    Come visit!
